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Portal is a clojure tool to navigate through your data. It can be used to inspect values of various shapes and sizes


A tetris clone using only persistent immutable data structures. It renders the tetris board to an html table via react.js and is styled with only css. It implements a grab bag algorithm so the pieces aren't completely random. You can preview the five upcoming pieces and hold one. The keyboard shortcuts are documented in the game's pause menu. Have fun and good luck!


A excel-like race pace calculator. All fields are editable and kept in sync with each other. It provides common race distances and is also useful for just converting between distance units. Give it a try to see how fast you have to run!

maze generator

The amazing maze generator implements a recursive backtracking algorithm. It's implemented with a step function so it can be computed incrementally and intermediate states can be displayed. The board representation is a set of walls as opposed to the traditional cell approach. This removes the need to update adjacent walls of two cells.


A sudoku puzzle game implementation that automates common solving patterns. Some might consider that cheating, but that doesn't make it any less fun. Clicking the number pad on the right highlights potential positions for a given number. When completed, the number will turn green. Any errors are highlighted as red. The puzzle generation algorithm isn't very clever so games aren't great. You have unlimited undo and the current game is stored in local storage, give it a shot!