Namespace for manipulating core bundle data structures.
(package-depmap f bundles)
Turns a coll of bundle defs into an edge list of bundle dependencies using packages to define the links. Use f as the package filter.
(partition-bundles-by-id bundles)
Example function that partitions bundles. Takes a coll of bundle defs and returns a coll of bundle def colls.
(partition-bundles-by-name names bundles)
Partitions bundles into groups using matches against ‘names’ when compared to the bundle’s name. All bundles that did not match any names are grouped together.
(select-bundles-built-by user)
Create a predicate for bundle defs that evals to true if a match is found against the name of the user who built the bundle.
(select-bundles-by-name text)
Create a predicate for bundle defs that evals to true if a match is found against the bundle name, if it contains the provided text.
(select-on-all fns)
Create a predicate that returns true if all functions in fns return true for the given input.
Predicate for package strings that only evals to true when the package is a direct DDF package, not third party.