
Namespace for functions that serve as extensions to clojure/core. They primarily work with abstract data structures useful for specifying graphs and dependencies: - Collmaps: maps that have seq-able things or collections as their values. TODO: Consider renaming ‘collmap’ –> ‘multimap’ given it’s a more widely used term. - Partitions: colls of colls, where the contents of a seq-able thing are themselves seq-able, so tools for flat mapping and merging are provided.


(collmap-collapsed m)

Collapses a map whose values are colls. Turns a map whose values are colls into a coll of size-2 vectors representing the entire mapping, akin to a list of edges in a graph.

(collmap-collapsed {:a [:x :y], :b [:s :t]}) => ([:a :x] [:a :y] [:b :s] [:b :t])


(collmap-filtered f m)

Returns a new map of key to new colls that have been filtered according to f.

(collmap-filtered (fn [i] (> i 6)) {:a [1 2 7 8] :b [3 4 8 9]}) => {:a (7 8), :b (8 9)}


(collmap-inverted m)

Inverts a map whose values are colls. Turns a map whose values are colls into the reverse view where each value in each coll becomes a key mapped to its original key. For non-unique values in colls across different keys, the last one in wins.

(collmap-inverted {:a [1 2] :b [2 3]}) => {1 :a, 2 :b, 3 :b}


(merge-left v)

Merges the contents of vectors within a vector, where elements move left. Elements only move if they are alone in their inner vector. Empty vectors are completely dissolved.

(merge-left 1] [2] [3 4 5] [] [7] [8 9 10] [11] [12) => 1 2] [3 4 5 7] [8 9 10 11 12